Saturday, August 14, 2010

Working through the News and a Coach Purse!

After I found out that the possibility of having children was going to be difficult I was devastated. I remember going into my friend Lauren’s office and telling her the news that I just found out. I couldn’t help but cry. Lauren just looked at me and said “I am so sorry, Court. You and Mike are suppose to have kids whether you have one or adopt one. I can’t see you guys any other way.” I sat in her office for a good twenty minutes trying to digest the news I just got.

I went home that night and buried my head in Mike’s chest and just cried. Was this really the road we were going to have to travel? Were we going to have to be the couple that has to pay to have a child? I was so sick to my stomach, I can remember that night so clear and how heartbroken I was. Mike assured me that we would have a child. Me being the Negative Nancy I can be didn’t want to believe it. Honestly, I wanted to give up right then and there. I was done. If God didn’t want me to experience the Joy of being a mother and I would be the one having to go through all the tests and waiting game I wanted to stop the baby making process there. We would just be the couple without kids. I was pretty much depressed. I must say I had a two year old temper tantrum that day. Mike just looked at me with the look that I am being over dramatic. He kept telling me it would work out the way God wants to work it out.

I spent the next few days numb to the world. These fertility problems threw off my life plan. What was I going to do, what if fertility didn’t work for us? After discussing with Mike the fertility specialists we decided to put our names on the waiting list. I put my name on the waiting list and got an appointment for the end of May. I as determined to go on with life until that appointment. It was a few days before my Birthday when a special delivery showed up at my office for me. I remember walking up there only to find a Coach Box. Now, I have always been a person to buy fake Coach Purses and never have a real one. Enclosed in the box there was a note that stated “When every I get bad news, a Coach Purse always makes me smile. From-a person who loves Coach.” I opened that box and yes ladies a Coach Purse sat there nicely wrapped in purple paper. I knew right away who got me the Coach Purse, it was Lauren. I ran back to Lauren’s office and thanked her a million times. That was the first time in days that I really had a smile on my face. Coach really does make a girl smile!

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