Thursday, August 19, 2010

Emergency Room or Fertility Specialist…

I think it was May 3, 2010 I could be wrong because I have tried to block that date out of my mind. I wanted to make sure to share this little story because it really is funny now that I look back on it. Finally I had arrived to the date that we were going to get to see the fertility specialist and have a game plan of how I was going to get pregnant and defeat the PCOS. It all started the night before when Mike was asleep on the couch coughing. My husband coughs before he is going to throw up. So I woke him up and asked if he felt ok, and he told me that his stomach hurt and wasn’t sure. So, I grabbed the bathroom trashcan and put it by his head just in case, kissed him on the forehead and went to bed. It was around 1am when I heard him coughing. I got out of bed and found Mike in the bathroom praying to the porcelain god. Now, now I know why Mike was puking, but at the request of my husband I am going to keep that to myself. I asked him if he needed anything and went back to bed. I love Mike, but when he vomits it is the most annoying thing I have ever experienced so I slept with my iPod in that night.

I woke up the next morning and went for a run because Mike was still not mobile on the couch at that time. I told Mike that we had to leave at 7:15 am to make it to the specialist office by 8:15 am. I asked him to shower because he was not presentable to go and meet Colorado’s number one Fertility Specialist. Anyways, we got in the car and headed to Boulder for the appointment. Mike requested that I stop and get some crackers and water and me being the nice wife I am, I stopped. I got back in the car and Mike was throwing up. I was so mad at this point. So before everyone thinks I am the wicked wife of the west, Mike was sick due to his own decisions of what he ate and drank the night before. I should have known that he would do something to make himself sick…this was just my luck. I can’t tell you how furious I was that he ate and drank all that crap and made himself sick and now the appointment I had been waiting for was going to be cancelled. Mike assured me that he was fine and to continue to Boulder. I got onto I-25 and headed to my destination only for Mike to look at me with complete fear in his eyes. His joints started to lock up and he thought that he needed to go to the Emergency Room. I called the fertility specialist and right as I called to cancel Mike said that he was ok to go. But then he blacked out. Well by this time I am so scared and smacking my husband in the face to wake him up that I took the next exit off the highway and head back to A-Town. I can’t even tell you what was going through my mind at the time. I called my mom and asked her to meet me at the Medical Center of Aurora because there was something seriously wrong with Mike. I ran every red light that day to get him to the hospital.

We got to the ER and Mike was taken back right away. They pumped him up with fluids and nausea medicine. It turned out that he was dehydrated from the series of vomiting episodes he had the night before. I wrote a check for $250 that day. That check should have been written to my fertility specialist instead. (Yes Fertility Specialists aren’t cheap.) I was glad Mike was ok, but really mad that he chose to eat and drink all that junk that made him so sick. I took Mike home and made him chicken noodle soup and put him on the couch with x-box controller. He was a happy camper. Mike felt bad but he said we would get another appointment. I couldn’t help but cry quietly after having to put my baby hopes again on the back burner until the next time I could get an appointment. I obviously chose the Emergency Room because without a husband no baby right?

1 comment:

  1. You should keep up on this're a good writer.
