Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dream's Do Come True!

It has always been a dream of mine to be a mommy.  To have a little boy look up at me and say "I love you momma."

I remember it was April 2010 and I was sitting in the doctors office tapping my foot, waiting for the doctor to return to the room with the test results regarding my fertility.  The doctor's news wasn't the best news, but she was confident that  Mike and I would one day have a baby.  I on the other hand, had very little hope.  Mike and I would spend the next few months at doctor's appointments and undergoing testing to determine the best route to have a little bundle of joy.  We had our first IUI scheduled for October 2010.

I'll flash forward to August 2010.  It was an early morning on a Thursday.  I wasn't feeling well.  I was tired and moody.  I decided that it might be a good idea to take a pregnancy test.  It just so happened that I had an extra pregnancy test laying around the house.  Let's just be honest people, if I could have bought pregnancy tests in bulk at Costco, I would have.  I would take a test two days before I was even late.  Anyways, I decided to take it, sure enough at 5:23 a.m. there were two pink lines on the stick.  I remember I had to call my mom and ask her what a positive pregnancy test looks like.  I called Mike minutes after and let him that we were pregnant.  I was in shock and I was so excited.  I spent the next 48 hours at the fertility office having blood tests done to make sure my Hcg numbers were increasing.  We'll just say they were so high the doctor suspected twins.

I spent the next nine months, watching my belly grow.  I didn't have the easiest pregnancy, but I cherished every uncomfortable moment, pre-term labor scare and sleepless nights that I encountered.  I craved chocolate milk shakes and french fries and could lay on the couch and watch my belly move for hours.  I loved going to the doctor and seeing my little boy move on the screen.  The sound of his heart beat was heaven.

It was Friday, April 22nd, 2011.  I had decided to work up until my due date, which was May 3rd.  I kept telling Landen to just give me until the end of the day April 22nd to make his appearance so I could make sure everything was in order at work.  Sure enough all during that day I was having dull contractions.  I would rub my belly and tell Landen to be patient and that I just needed a few more hours.  I called Mike and Nee Nee (my mom) on my way home from work and stated that I think today was the day and that we needed to go to the doctor.  Mike rushed home and my mom rushed to the hospital to meet us there.  Me being the person I am, I stopped by the nail salon and had a pedi and mani.  What woman can go and deliver her baby without perfect toes and fingers.  I know crazy, right?

It was around 7pm on April 22nd when I was admitted to Sky Ridge Medical Center.  I was 3cm dilated.  I couldn't believe it.  I was going to be holding this miracle, the little boy I had been praying for, the last two years in just a few hours.  Or so I thought!!!

April 23, 2011- After 26 hours of labor, 3 1/2 hours of pushing and an emergency c-section.  Mike and I welcomed Landen Ryker Clark into this world.  I remember his sweet little cry like it was yesterday.  I was on so much pain medicine, but I still remember that sweet little face looking at me.  I was finally a mommy. 

On April 23, 2011 my life changed forever.  I was not only a career driven woman, a friend, a daughter and a wife.  I was a mommy to an incredible little boy.

It's hard to believe that the last year has flown by.  People have told me that they grow up too fast and until you are a parent you have no idea.  I have enjoyed watching Landen grow.  It is bittersweet though.  As Landen gets bigger my heart is overjoyed that he is thriving but everyday he becomes more and more independent.  He truly is a sweet, happy little boy.

There are still mornings that I wake up and I still can't believe that I am a mommy to a sweet little boy.  Landen has made this last year one of the most incredible years of my life.

I am so very happy that tomorrow we will be celebrating the one miracle that I never thought I would have.  Landen has been a dream fulfilled.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET BOY!!!!